Discover Softears: A Dynamic Blend of Experience, Craftsmanship, and Cutting-Edge Design. Founded in late 2017, our innovative company merges youthful enthusiasm with a wealth of expertise in driver designs, audio research, and development. Immerse yourself in the unmatched quality and artistry that define our commitment to delivering top-tier audio experiences.
Established in late 2017, Softears embodies the perfect balance of youthful vigor and extensive expertise. Our dedicated team boasts a rich legacy in driver designs, pioneering development, and comprehensive audio research. Immerse yourself in our world of unrivaled excellence and elevate your audio journey to new heights
Redefining Excellence: Unveiling China's Leading Role in Audio Advancement. Gone are the misconceptions surrounding 'made in China.' China stands as the unparalleled hub for an expansive array of IEM components, driving audio innovation to unprecedented heights. At Softears, we possess an intimate understanding of this thriving market, enabling us to meticulously develop and source the utmost premium-grade components. Experience unrivaled quality as we harness China's potential to create audio masterpieces.